Hello MiiCraft Users!
Please be informed that we have just released a series of software update for MiiCraft 125 series and MiiCraft+. Please download the software for enhancement.
Release Version:
Download MiiController FW V1.3.2
*MiiUtility V3.4.3 is matching with MiiController V1.3.2, please update at the same time for optimizing printing performance.
Summary of updates: MiiUtility V3.4.3
(1) Auto arrangement and multiple model arrangement
Auto arrangement enable multiple models spread evenly through the X Y area. And multiple model arrangement enable multiple model rotations, Face down/up, and adjust the scaling factor.
(2) Calculate total volume of models and base
(3) Supporter setting function optimization
-User can apply three basic supporter setting: Heavy, Light, Medium, or adjust the supporter setting and save it for re-use next time.
-Add more supporter shape selections
(4) Cross function (Xsec) optimization
(5) Add Property Setting
(6) Import .STL file => Enable left click+drag the file from outside windows into MiiUtility
(7) Simplify the transform file process
(8) Add estimated printing time
Thank you. Hope you have fun with your MiiCraft.