Viewing 17 reply threads
    • Benoy
      Post count: 3
      #272 |


      Till I reach the Print STL Model everything works fine.  The Status says “Printer not connected.Load a valid ldx file and connect to printer.  So I loaded an ldx file and did an auto search and the LED Blinks and the status reports-“Printer not connected Not Printer, close COM5”.  config goes fine.  But when I try to fill the resin nothing happens.


      Please inform me if there is any thing wrong that I am doing.  Please help.

      Thanks in advance


    • ornitech
      Post count: 1
      #280 |

      Hi Benoy,

      I sometimes have this problem with mine.  It is related to attachment of USB devices.  I found that attaching the machine directly to the computer and moving most of my USB devices to a hub reduced the issue.

      The printer will not fill with resin until it is properly connected.

    • snowwolflair
      Post count: 1
      #282 |

      Go into device manager

      Select the com port and right click and disable it

      Then selsect and Enable it

      It should then work.

      For some reason the USBcom port needs to be re-innitialised.

    • Benoy
      Post count: 3
      #283 |

      ornitech, snowolfair,

      thanks for the help.  I do not know my desk to was giving me all sort of troubles.  Then I installed Miicraft in my lap top and it works now,  except that it doesn’t make any print outs.  I do not see any light comming out of the printer.  I was thinking that Uv Light is fairly visible?

      I believe that there is some thing wrong with the settings of the dlp projector.  Any way I’ve send a mail to Wayne.  I find them very helpfull

      thanks and regards



    • Metalcaster
      Post count: 2
      #285 |

      I have been trying to find someone to talk to about buying this machine if it will do what I need, the website store does not seem to be working and I sent an email to the contact email address about 1 week ago and got no response. Some one please help…

    • brupbacher
      Post count: 20
      #567 |

      hey benoy were you able to solve the problem?, mine ‘was’ working but no printout either … there is no visible evidence that the TriggerDriver actually works and there is no test procedure either ( …its strange, all 3d printer i touched so far have the same lack of support)

    • brupbacher
      Post count: 20
      #621 |

      OK, I have to apologies, i got support big time! miicraft is coming up with an update of there software which will include a method to make sure the projector actually projects something 🙂

      very nice and helpful folks at miicraft, don’t hesitate to write them directly, since it is a young company give them a chance!

    • brupbacher
      Post count: 20
      #642 |

      I also got results specially with the new release (version 6 i think) where the screen preview is possible (seeing a feedback image in the printer is very helpfull since pc screen configuration can be complicated. I also got my first results out! 🙂

      there is one little thing that comes in the way sometimes, the COM port seems to get jammed and leves the MII unaccessible, this only happens on first startup after that all is good, if this happens you need to restart your pc without restarting the MII

      What would be cool next is to make a simulation of the print and have it as feedback in the printer, i do get strange artefacts during printing and i suspect the projection to add those probably blinks from the graphic card or something similar …

    • Benoy
      Post count: 3
      #710 |

      Thanks guys at MIICRAFT,

      With your help my printer  started working well.  I had a torn teflon steet and the guys just replaced the entire unit.  THESE GUYS ARE JUST GREAT.


      Dr Benoy

    • sherrin
      Post count: 3
      #1150 |


      I try to print the sample model: Hexball, but failed.

      It seems like no curing process.

      Is there any setting that should be made before printing?

      Please assist.

    • 3d 4every1
      Post count: 4
      #1155 |


      Did you initialize? What is the curing time, standard is 7 seconds. There could be residue from a previous print job stuck on the film, you could try to clean the reaction tank/teflon film.

    • sherrin
      Post count: 3
      #1156 |

      Hi 3d 4every1, thank you for your reply!

      Yeah, after removing the residue from the film, it is working although the model printed incompletely since I’m using #0013 mask file (I accidentally deleted #0082 mask file).

      Anyone has #0082 mask file? Now I’m waiting for the mask file from MiiCraft.

      Thanks again!


    • vaso
      Post count: 2
      #1293 |


      I have same problem when I try to connect to printer:

      “Printer not connected Not Printer, close COM3”

      I try with disabling COM3, and then enabling but nothing.

      Then I try with restart, leaving printer on but again nothing.

      Thanks in advance!

    • zacaria
      Post count: 1
      #1296 |

      Hey vaso, by default COM3 is disabled in some system, as I checked mine, it’s really disabled (don’t know if all have this disabled by default) try enabling and reinstall it. I actually don’t know that it will be the exact solution, but that guide was emailed to me by, after I subscribed to them and eventually receiving important guide on certain ideas I wish to get updates with.

    • vaso
      Post count: 2
      #1314 |

      Sorry, it is my mistake. I forgot to write here.

      I contact Miicraft support and they send me correct firmware. Everything is fine now.

    • NP3ltd_EU
      Post count: 1
      #1318 |

      we try couple of times to contact someone at miicraft but no replay. we wont to order resin, teflon film etc and no replay. anyone whit the same problem? anyone at miicraft that read this please contact us. we are out of resin and teflon film.

    • sherrin
      Post count: 3
      #1319 |

      Hi NP3ltd_EU, how do you contact MiiCraft? Sending to this email: Because I contact them through this email. Hope you can reach them!

    • Irene
      Post count: 1
      #1964 |

      Mostly, in this kind of issue, we don’t take much on checking the driver if it is updated or not. Always see the device manager if none of the USB devices connecting your printer is having the issue, you can see if there is a problem once they have yellow marks on the driver, update maybe a solution.

      Irene of

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