- #944 |
Hi there,
not yet received my machine, but testing the software.
I found a better way to align, prepare and slice the model within Rhino.
1) Download this http://www.gatto.com/miicraft-b9c.zip
Delete the sphere but keep the base, that size will produce correct BMP later
2) Download and install B9 sw from here http://b9creator.com/software/
3) From Rhino export your model and base in SLC format
4) Import SLC file into B9 SW (edit funtion)
(xy is 56 micron)
Add supports using the tools function !
6) export as BMP into a folder
7) create IDX file with notepad according this example :
“*** NVP Index file ***
Prefix nameyougave_
Ext bmp
Model_Start 10
Model_End 180
Base_Start 1Adjust model start and end according your model’s bitmap created.
8) load idx and print
Meow !
- #951 |
this is great, thanks for sharing 🙂
- #978 |
good to know… can you explane better all the proceed. thanks
- #985 |
Maybe you’ll find it easier if you do all the proccess using the Miicraft suit and use the B9 software only for adding the supports.
Just place the stl model in the model editor, center it and save it as usual. Slice it as usual using the Miicraft Slicer and save it in whatever folder you want.
Now open the B9 software, click on “Edit”, and now click on “File>Import images”. Go to the folder where you saved the slices and open the first slice in the folder. The B9 soft will open all the batch automatically.
Next, change the values you see on the window:
-Job Name: The same you gave to the project before
-XY Pixels: 56
-Z Layer: 50 or 100
Good, you are ready to start adding the supporting structures. Just click on the 4th icon on the top and the editing screen will show up. From there you can draw freely on each layer to retouch layers if needed, or enter the support mode by clicking on the button on top of the window. In the support mode you can select different support shapes from the “tools” menu, and you can also change the size on the supports by clicking “shift key”
Once you are happy with all the supports added, just close the window and click on “File>Export images”. Choose the same folder where the original slices wehre.
Now you have in the same folder the original slices in .png format, and the edited one with supports in .bmp format. All you need to do is edit the .idx file in the folder to match the new slices as follows:
Prefix: (if you used the same name for the project you only need to add “_” at the end of the name
Ext bmp
Model_Start 6
Model_End (Whatever number the last .bmp slice shows next to the project name)
Base_Start 1
Now print as usual.
PD: Huge thanks to Mike Joyce for his software.
- #992 |
Skeinforge is quite crappy. It’s slow as hell and many layers result wrong if the mesh is not perfect. However not everyone uses or knows how to use Rhino.
Another alternative is using B9 software all the way down the proccess. All you need to do is to resize the model to compensate the different resolution of the printer and the slightly different layer thickness, and later, batch rescale the resulting BMP layers to Miicraft resolution. This proccess is more complex though.
- #1046 |
The best and easiest solution for Rhino is the Smart3d BAMBOO SupportGenerator:
Automatc detection of growing points
Automatic layout of supports in areas
Pre-sets and editable supports
direct interface with MiiCraft using the Smart3d SAMURAI for MiiCraft (solves boolean, self intersections, double surfaces during the slicing …and it’s fast! )You can support and slice your parts in Rhino, and than immediately start the machine!
- #1188 |
I finally have the solution for supporting and slicing. If you want I can send you a free demo of the software, it works as a Rhino Plug-in.
White me privately on my email info (at) gioiellooriginale (dot) it - #1894 |
Now I have been doing my business printing needs at http://digitekprinting.com/, but soon I will have Rhino capable device to print all materials we needs for the company. So it will just be easy for us and cuts our expenditure budgets on printing, right?
- #2608 |
Hey there
Gatto, Thank you for your solution I hope it will very conventient for me.
But your links are not working, because it’s been a long time i suppose.
Can you repeat upload or can you conact me via email
jupiterru (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks all in advance for any information
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