MiiCraft ID Arrived !
Finally our ID parts has arrived. We're quite impress with our vendor's performance. The ID parts for the MiiCraft 3D Printer looks pretty close to our render model. We will update again when our Post Curing Device come in.
Finally our ID parts has arrived. We're quite impress with our vendor's performance. The ID parts for the MiiCraft 3D Printer looks pretty close to our render model. We will update again when our Post Curing Device come in.
Thanks to our friend in Canada, we’re going to give wax casting with the our printed model.
We print out one of the Board Game Miniatures for the guys at UFO Patrol Video & Board Games.
Sigh.., ran into a bit of a bump.
Leaning Tower of Pisa - with MiiCraft 3D Printer
Our most detail model yet, we are able to print out a 3.6mm (diameter) Metatron with our MiiCraft 3D Printer ^^.
We're quite excited as material for our 1st build is starting to come in.
Quite a few people made some suggestion on the need to have a bigger resin cartridge or the ability to change different resign.
Things are starting to come together. Our Indiegogo Campaign is now LIVE!! and ready to go...
Thanks everyone for all your interest and inquires via email and blog comments.